Priyanka Chopra’s visited Saif Ali Khan on the set of ‘Agent Vinod’ sparked the rumor that she is in a relationship with the actor but the dusky beauty rubbishes the report and said that such stories are made by media and she does not share any relationship with Saif Ali Khan.
When asked Priyanka Chopra said, “It was just a casual meeting. Now please don’t link me up with him at least. There was nothing negative between us, really. We never hated each other. Everything was hyped.”
Piggy Chops also added that she is not dating Shahid Kapoor now and is very much single. “I’m not seeing anyone right now and I am very much single.”
She is currently shooting for ‘Barfee’ with Ranbir Kapoor. Giving and insight of the story, the actress said, “So far, I have only shot for five days. Playing a mentally challenged girl is difficult as there is a very thin line between being a caricature and portraying the real character. This is my toughest role so far”.
When asked Priyanka Chopra said, “It was just a casual meeting. Now please don’t link me up with him at least. There was nothing negative between us, really. We never hated each other. Everything was hyped.”
Piggy Chops also added that she is not dating Shahid Kapoor now and is very much single. “I’m not seeing anyone right now and I am very much single.”
She is currently shooting for ‘Barfee’ with Ranbir Kapoor. Giving and insight of the story, the actress said, “So far, I have only shot for five days. Playing a mentally challenged girl is difficult as there is a very thin line between being a caricature and portraying the real character. This is my toughest role so far”.